Our English Lessons
Our English Lessons

Informations légales

Siège social

Nos cours d'anglais
Evelyne Botte

23 rue de l'Atlantide
85180 Château d'Olonne


Téléphone : +33 609448591
Email : evelyne.botte@yahoo.fr

Représentant légal

Evelyne Botte


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ELIZABETH II the longest reign of the Br[...]
Fichier audio/vidéo MP [69.3 MB]







   A week-end  so British !

Cats-shrubs in English parks.  AMAZING !

The surrealistic English painter Richard Saunders uses thick shrubs and trees to create his huge cats! Once he saw a photo on the trees cut in the shape of clouds and had the idea of transforming the shrubs into cat sculptures.

    The prototype that served him is Tolly his deceased race of cat "Russian Blue" .We can cross these cats in many parts of England which are much appreciated by the people.

You can watch them in a bigger size in Pictures

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